Everyone has a favorite something or other, a restaurant, hair style, sodas or maybe a movie. You name it and it’s someone’s favorite. If you think about it deeply, if you are single, you probably had a favorite Boo.
Some of my favorites are magazines! Not the kind you go online and subscribe to but the old school kind that your mailman brings. I know some are saying, who does that when you can just go online. I’m a paper person! Sometimes, my mailbox is so full and that’s because I still get magazines in the mail. If there is a subscription associated with the magazine, they do give me the option to go online but I turn them down every time. I hope the new norm doesn’t become subscriptions online and the magazine brands see there are customers out there like me who enjoy going through the pages.
I hope … the magazine brands see there are customers out there like me who enjoy going through the pages.
Give Me a Glass of Champagne
Most times I’m so busy that I let them build up and then pick an evening when I gather them all up and pour a glass of Champagne with magazines all over by bed. That’s the other part of going through my magazines I like to do it in my bed with music or the TV on. This is my take on a comfortable evening at home.
I’ve learned that instead of keeping them piled up taking up room everywhere I tear out the page that has something that I am interest in for fashion, business, or lifestyle. You learn a lot about what is going on through magazines just like the world wide web. I started a folder that the pages go into for further consideration This way I can throw the magazine out when I’m finished.
The Magazines I Love
My hope is you will start to read my blogs to see who I’m tearing out of magazines and what magazines have made the list. My favorite magazines come in two types.
First, you have the magazines that you purchase nothing but the brand items from like Bodenusa, Vogue, Poetry or Garnet Hill. These all sell beautiful clothes, shoes, accessories and sometimes even lifestyle items.
Then you have the magazine that promote lifestyles, popular shopping neighborhoods, fashion, the hot stock of the month to buy or where to live and what BBQ rib joint ship in the USA.
Without further ado I bring you the beginning of my favorite magazine list for you to check out.
Fashion & Beauty Magazines
Lifestyle Magazines
Real Simple
Martha Stewart
Harper’s Bazaar
Vanity Fair
Bethesda Magazine (Local)
Washingtonian (Local)
What do you think? Are there some here that are your favorites? Maybe yes or maybe no!
The vision for My Favorites segment in this blog is to pass along each month the goodies from some of these magazines that will keep you coming back because you find it fun, worth ready and having plenty of educational style content when it comes to shoes, fashion trends and lifestyles.
Come join me!

When I got the gist of this Influencer game, I thought oh hell no! I just found my second act in life. Hosting a blog will allow me to bring you all the goodies that I know about shoes. Giving you style tips, educating you on how to have an eye for shoes, and be a positive critic of the fashion trends.
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